The Office of Student Affairs and Outreach

MNUC Student Affairs office functions under the office of the Registrar (Academics, and Students Affairs) and provides a supportive and enabling environment to promote both academic and personal development of students. The section is concerned with student welfare matters that include co-curricular activities, extracurricular activities and non-academic matters that contribute towards academic and /or personal development leading to competent, ethical, fair and innovative citizens for a just, prosperous and cohesive community.

Mandate of the Student Affairs and Outreach office

The Student Affairs and Outreach office in liaison with other members of staff promotes holistic development of students through mental, spiritual, physical, social and academic programs designed to empower them to become independent, productive, fulfilled and reliable team players in society.

Some of the key activities undertaken by the office include:

  1. Organizing orientation of the first-year students
  2. Registration and coordination of students’ clubs and associations
  3. Overseeing of student conduct
  4. Overseeing student welfare an support services
  5. Coordination of specialized services to students with special needs
  6. Oversee Student Association of Mama Ngina University College (SAMNUC) elections
  7. Co-ordinates the facilitation of activities organized by the  (SAMNUC) leadership
  8. Facilitates student representation on various University College Committees and Boards
  9. Coordinate mentoring programmes.
  10. Coordinates pastoral care and guidance to the students through the religious associations
  11. The office facilitates Sports and Games
  12. Coordinates outreach activities

Client Testimonials


June Smith


Adam Bentley
New York